Hogan Dam Road and Bridge Project


  • Environmental Compliance

  • Biological Services

  • Stormwater Services


The purpose of this project was to replace a low water crossing with a new bridge on Hogan Dam Road, located in western Calaveras County, to provide an all-weather crossing and accommodate the roadway, shoulders, and barriers. The project area contains sensitive riparian habitat in and around Bear Creek, a tributary of the Mokelumne River, and is located within or near habitat for the following regulated species:

  • California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii)

  • Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (Rana boylii)

  • Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata)

  • Migratory Birds and Birds of Prey

An adult Western Pond Turtle and several active bird nests were found within the project area, prompting careful monitoring of all ground-disturbing work activities.

Innovative Solutions

Our expert staff developed and implemented a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a Natural Resources Protection Plan (NRPP) for the project. Prior to the start of construction, we conducted focused surveys for sensitive species. As part of the Best Management Practices outlined in the SWPPP and NRPP, we prepared and presented natural resource information programs to familiarize project personnel with environmental laws and regulations, regulated species and habitats, and resource protection measures and protocols. Once construction began, we closely monitored the work that occurred within the riparian habitat and Bear Creek to ensure the protection of wildlife and water.

Project Details


  • Calaveras County, Bear Creek


  • Complete - 2019-2020


State Hwy 99 Lagoon Creek Bridge Scour Project


Bridge Improvements for the City of Pleasanton