Bridge Improvements for the City of Pleasanton


  • Environmental Compliance

  • Biological Services

  • Stormwater Services


This project aimed to improve five bridges for the City of Pleasanton by repairing cracks and replacing joint seals in the abutments, among other improvements.

The project area contained potential habitats for California Red-legged Frogs (Rana draytonii) and Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata), as well as Migratory Birds. A Western Pond Turtle was observed during the pre-construction surveys.

A temporary creek diversion was required for two of the bridges to prevent disturbance to the water under the bridges during construction.

Innovative Solutions

Endemic Environmental conducted daily sweeps of the project site to check for the presence of Western Pond Turtle and California Red-legged Frogs. Before the start of construction, inactive bird nests were removed from the bridge structures to ensure that birds did not use the bridge as nesting habitat while construction was occurring.

We also prepared a Temporary Creek Diversion System Plan implemented during construction. Temporary gravel-filled bag dams were installed, and water was diverted to the opposite side of the 2-cell box culvert of each bridge while work occurred on the bridge structures. The diversion was designed as close to the necessary work area as possible so as not to dewater any vegetation, and the dams were kept watertight to prevent the introduction of pollutants to the live channels.

Project Details


  • City of Pleasanton


  • Complete


Hogan Dam Road and Bridge Project