State Hwy 99 Lagoon Creek Bridge Scour Project


  • Environmental Compliance

  • Stormwater Services

  • Biological Services


The project area contains sensitive riparian habitat in and around Lagoon Creek, a tributary of the Cosumnes River. As part of the scope of work, a clear water diversion of a perennial stream was required to allow for dry construction and aquatic wildlife protection below the water line at the bridge foundations. The project is located within or near habitat for the following regulated species:

  • Giant Garter Snake (Thamnophis gigas)

  • Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

  • Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata)

  • Bats

  • Nongame Migratory Birds

Large colonies of bats and cliff swallows existed at the project site. Each colony utilized the bridges as historical nesting and roosting habitats, requiring careful consideration and monitoring by our biologists during construction.

Innovative Solutions

Our team developed multiple environmental plans to aid in the protection of precious natural resources during this large-scale, intensive project. We developed and implemented a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Natural Resources Protection Plan, and Bird and Bat Exclusion Plans. Additionally, our team of biologists and water resources specialists were on site daily during the multi-year project to monitor sensitive wildlife and waterways. 

Project Details


  • Galt, CA


  • Complete


Caltrans District 9 State Route 14 Rehabilitation Project


Hogan Dam Road and Bridge Project