Stormwater Management
Our certifications include Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP), Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI), and Certified Inspector Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC). We have teamed with contractors for roads/highways/bridges to improve stormwater management on their properties with our experience in developing SWPPPS, conducting inspections, and helping clients comply with federal, state, and local stormwater regulations.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Development
Water Pollution Control Plan Development
Notice of Intent Filing
Notice of Termination Filing
Storm Water Sampling
Storm Water Inspections
Permanent Erosion Control Establishment (PECE) Reporting
Winterization Plans
Flood Contingency Plan
Non - Visible Pollutant Sampling
Receiving Water Quality Monitoring
Dewatering Monitoring
NOAA weather Monitoring
Stormwater Reporting (REAPs, Amendments, Annual Reports)
Stormwater Multiple Application Reporting System (SMARTS) Reporting
401 Water Quality Monitoring
401 Water Quality Reporting
Water Quality Monitoring Plan
Notice of Completion Letter
Exemption letters
Monthly Industrial Inspections
Industrial Samplings
Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD)
Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)
Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI)
Certified Inspector Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC)
Jeffery Open Space Trail - Pedestrian Trail
(Orange County, CA)
Endemic Environmental focuses on complying with stormwater permits and preventing hazardous material discharge into public utilities. We develop comprehensive stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP), including Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans, conduct project risk assessments, and hold regular meetings with contractors to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs).
San Jose Creek - US 101 N - County of Santa Barbara
(MCM Construction)
Endemic Environmental Services supported the general contractor in ensuring full compliance with the project’s Water Quality Certification on a bridge replacement project over San Jose Creek. Endemic’s scope consisted of water quality sampling for pH and Turbidity during in-water work and when the TCDS was in place, and developing Water Quality Monitoring Reports with the findings. Endemic was also responsible for assisting with Stormwater compliance, including BMP recommendations.
I-10 Rock Slope Replacement Project
(Ames Construction)
Endemic staff has been involved in biological monitoring, producing the natural resource protection plans, stormwater/ water quality inspections, and paleontological investigations during construction. We are preparing the species protection plan as a sub to the prime contractor and coordinating with the County of Santa Barbara Transportation Department and Caltrans District 5.