Marine Services
Our marine science team offers multi-parameter water quality assessments, marine mammal monitoring, Eelgrass/Caulerpa surveys, fish surveys, and shorebird surveys. Our NOAA-approved Marine Mammal and Protected Species Observers (MMO/PSO) have thousands of hours of construction monitoring experience in both daylight and nighttime conditions.
Marine Mammal Monitoring
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Endangered Species Surveys & Monitoring
Endangered Species Act
Nesting Bird Surveys & Monitoring
Migratory Bird Treaty Act & U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Eelgrass and Caulerpa Surveys
CA Eelgrass Mitigation Policy
Water Quality Sampling
Clean Water Act, Water Quality Control Board, and the Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Compliance Plans
Environmental Impact Reports
CEQA and NEPA Compliance
Trawl Surveys
Acoustic Telemetry
Video Lander Surveys
Hook and Line Surveys
SONAR Data Collection & Analysis
Biological Sample Dissection & Extraction
Beach Seine Surveys
Rocky Intertidal Surveys Epifauna and Infauna Sampling
Scientific Diving & Underwater Data Collection
Kelp Forest and Rocky Reef Surveys & Restoration
Nesting Bird Surveys for Seabirds & Other Coastal Species
Vegetation Mapping
Side-scan SONAR
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Mapping
Data Analysis and Management
Port of Los Angeles
Terminal Island (Pier 400) Railyard Enhancement
(Herzog Stacy and Witbeck, a joint venture)
Marine mammal monitoring for pile driving, nesting bird surveys, and environmental compliance plan.
San Franciso Bay
Potrero Power Station Shoreline Improvement
(Hoseley Corporation and Gordon N. Ball Inc.)
Noise monitoring for marine mammals and regulated fish species protection during pile driving.
Moss Landing Harbor
Maintenance Dredging
(Pacific Dredge and Construction)
Marine mammal monitoring (Southern Seam Otter and CA Sea Lion) for clamshell dredging.
County of Santa Barbara Public Works
Floradale Ave. Bridge Replacement
Beach seine surveys for special status fish and amphibians, focusing on Southern California Steelhead during installation and de-installation of temporary creek diversion system.
Point Mugu Naval Base
Ridgway’s Rail Population Status Survey
Population assessment, nest tracking, monitoring, and mapping for endangered Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (L.A. Dist.)
Santa Ana River Marsh Dredging Project
Native vegetation surveys, mapping pre/post-construction impacts, conducting Caulerpa taxifolia surveys within eelgrass meadows, and water quality assessments in the Bay and near-shore adjacent sites.
Collected benthic invertebrate samples in compliance with Risk Level 3 bioassessment requirements according to the Clean Water Act.
Conducted surveys for Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail, Belding’s Savannah Sparrow, and the C.A. Least Tern.