Environmental Compliance
We are experienced in meeting the requirements of both state and federal procedures pertaining to CEQA and NEPA documents for public and private projects. We can complete all technical reports required for clearance and approval. We will provide inter-agency coordination and assistance to obtain the required resource agency permits and help acquire and maintain funding and reimbursements from regional, county, state, and federal agencies.
Assist in Clean Water Act Permitting and Compliance
Assist in California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Streambed Alteration Agreements
CEQA/NEPA compliance
Initial Studies (IS)
Mitigate Negative Declarations (MNDs), Negative Declarations (NDs)
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs, EIRs and EAs)
Due diligence reviews
Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) compliance
Permit compliance reporting
Wetlands Permitting and Delineation
Unmanned Aerial/Drone Imaging
Biological Resources Assessment (BRA)